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Device name

The device name for PROFINET is subject to a naming convention. The use of capital letters is not allowed for example.

Reset to factory defaults

PROFINET provides the possibility to reset attached devices e.&nbsb;g. from projecting software to factory settings. This loading of the factory settings can also be triggered through the execution of a system command.

Firmware update

The device firmware can be updated via the Ethernet interface. For detailed instructions please visit the firmware update site.

Script programming

Bus specific commands


Change to firmware with extended config area by UNIGATE CL PROFINET 2 Port

With firmware version 2.4.4 we have completed the change to an extended config area of 256 Byte. We have paid attention to a maximal comptability to previous firmware versions. But please note for an update of a firmware version smaller than Version 2.4.4 to Version 2.4.4 or higher the details listed under the following link: Change to firmware with extended config area.